Public awareness and dissemination of results

The main beneficiary responsible for implementation of public awareness and dissemination actions is the Lithuanian ornithological society, other partners will contribute to these actions as well.

Public awareness and dissemination of results include 4 main actions:

  • Dissemination for general public

At the beginning of the project a project dissemination plan was elaborated, where the dissemination measures and actions for different stakeholder groups and institutions were foreseen. A part of activities will be addressed to the general public – numerous articles and reportages about the terns’ conservation problems and project actions are foreseen to be published in the regional and national mass media means. The main information source, where all the information about the project will be collected, is the project’s website, which will be constantly updated with the relevant news and information in Lithuanian and English.

  • Dissemination of terns’ conservation problems for relevant stakeholders

During implementation of the project, a big emphasis will be given to involvement of relevant stakeholders and use of its capacities while ensuring conservation of Common and Little terns in Lithuania. It’s foreseen to organise 5 regional meetings with local actors, including communities, as well as 4 seminars with national stakeholders, where not only environmental authorities will be invited, but as well as representatives of other related sectors – water transport sector authorities and companies, aquaculture companies’ representatives. Seeking to ensure long-term effect in the areas, where the practical conservation actions will be implemented, in the frame of the project trainings for the care-takers on the proper sites’ management after the end of the project will be organised. These trainings are addressed to the LOD volunteers as well as staff from the regional environmental authorities, who are responsible for proper sites’ management. The stable population of terns in a long-term perspective can be ensured only in case of constant and focused management works.

  • Transferring of the project findings and knowledge among the relevant national and international target groups

Since 1994 the LOD is a member of the Birdlife International (BLI), which unites more than 100 partners from different countries around the world. Representatives of the LOD regularly attending annual meetings, organised by the Birdlife Europe, where the main problems on the birds’ protection in Europe are discussed and different experiences are shared among the partners. It is planned, that representatives of the project will participate at these meetings and will share experience about the project findings project experts will attend the experts’ meetings of the Birds&Habitats Task force group, where the progress of the Birds and Habitats Directives is discussed.

At the end of the project it is planned to organise international “cross-sectional” and scientific seminars, when the most project objectives will be achieved and as well as it will be possible to share information from the satellite tracking.

Special focus will be given also to networking with other projects, which cover similar topic.

  • Development of dissemination materials and tools

Dissemination tools – leaflet, educational leaflet and calendars will be distributed during the project events and the IT materials will be available on the project website for the download. Partners also foresee to publish a book about Common and Little terns, which would be the 1st specialized publication about these species in Lithuania. Other dissemination tools of the project – a film about Common and Little terns, its conservation problems and project activities, as well as mobile photo exhibition, live stream from the terns’ colony are addressed to the general public. 11 information boards targeting visitors will be placed in the frequently visited places in all project sites. They will attractively present species conservation problems and project actions in each site.

All project achievements will be summarized in the Layman report, which will be published in English and Lithuanian during the last project implementation year.